Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

SCHOOL PRODUCTIVITY (Based on the Principal Leadership, School Climate, and Working Motivation of MTs Negeri Pati)


Nur Hasanan, 2012. SCHOOL PRODUCTIVITY (Based on the Principal Leadership, School Climate, and Working Motivation of MTs Negeri Pati), the Thesis of the postgraduate program of Muhammadiyah university of Surakarta.

         The purpose of this research is for analyzing the contribution the principal leadership, school climate, and working motivation of school productivity at MTs Negeri Pati both simultaneously and partially.
         This is a quantitative research that uses causal comparative research. It is ex post facto. The population are all teachers of MTs Negeri Pati. They are 120 peoples. It uses solvin formula and random sampling of proporsional technique. The respondant are 92 peoples. For collecting data, the writer uses closed questionnaire using likert scale. And the supporting data are some documents and interview. For couple regression of data analysis, it is helped by SPSS 16,0 program.
         The result of the research showed that (1) principal leadership, school climate and working motivation simultaneously have contribution in school productivity, its probability (sig. 0,000). The contribution is 22,6 % and the remaining is explained by the other variable (not included in the research design). (2) Principal leadership has positive significant contribution in school productivity, its probability (sig. 0,025). The efective contribution of principal leadership in school productivity is 8,44 %. (3) School climate has positive contribution in school productivity its probability (sig. 0,005) or 7,29 %   (4) working motivation has positive significant contribution in school productivity, its probability (sig. 0,033) or 6,86 % of school productivity.

Keywords: Productivity, leadership, school climate, motivation.

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Pengunjung yang terhormat...Silahkan tinggalkan jejak dengan komentar, pendapat dan saran, bebas asal sopan....OKE..!!!